What Is The Engagement Rate, And How Is It Calculated?

What is the meaning of Engagement Rate or Interaction Rate? Find out what it is, how it is calculated, and why it is important to monitor it on your social profiles.
Measuring the results of their performance and actions on social networks is one of the fundamental aspects for those who use these platforms for professional purposes. Among the metrics most used by those involved in social media marketing stands out the Engagement Rate, which refers to the more general concept of customer engagement. Now let’s find out what the Interaction Rate is and how it is calculated.
What is the Engagement Rate?
The meaning of customer engagement refers to the need for a company to create a deep connection with its customers, which guides their interactions and purchasing decisions over time.
Let’s now deal with the more specific meaning of Engagement Rate. This concept defines the engagement rate generated by a social page, content, or activity and takes into account the number of interactions. Each social network defines interactions differently: some platforms refer to the sum of likes, shares, and comments, and others also consider clicks made by users on the content or views as such; in the event that the analysis takes into account, consider video content.
How is the Engagement Rate calculated?
How to correctly calculate the Interaction Rate depends on what the individual social platform considers “interaction,” the type of content, and what you intend to measure.
The Engagement Rate of a Facebook page or an Instagram profile returns the number of interactions carried out by the fanbase at a given time. It is obtained by dividing the sum of the interactions of all the contents of the Facebook page or Instagram profile by the number of contents themselves and then by the number of fans.
By comparing the result to 1,000 fans (i.e., multiplying everything by 1,000), it is also possible to compare the data of your Facebook page or Instagram profile with other similar pages or profiles of competitors.
A variant of the Engagement Rate of a Facebook page or an Instagram profile takes the reach of the page or profile into account instead of the number of fans. In this case, however, it should be remembered that it is always necessary to compare the engagement and reach data relating to the same time frame.
The Engagement Rate of content shows the engagement capacity of the content itself and is obtained by dividing the sum of the interactions obtained by the post by the number of people who have seen it, all multiplied by 100.
The Engagement Rate of multiple contents highlights how many posts on a page are able to engage the fanbase on average. The data is generated by the sum of the individual ratios between the number of interactions of a post and the people reached by the post itself, divided by the number of posts examined, all multiplied by 100.
Why is it important to calculate the Engagement Rate?
Knowing the Engagement Rate formula and how to apply it to your specific case is very important since achieving a high level of engagement is a testimony to the fact that your audience is actually interested in the published content. Measuring this data over time, therefore, returns a precise photograph of the goodness of the work carried out on social networks and allows you to intervene in the event that, on the contrary, the results are not satisfactory.
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