The Most Used Social Networks: Figures And Statistics

Social networks continue to be a trend on the rise and without predictions to change for a long time as it adds users to its platforms every day. Surely you (like everyone) also spend a good part of your time in them, if you want to be in the market and make the most of this trend for your business, don’t miss the figures presented by each of the most used Social Networks.
How Many Users Do Social Networks Have?
Currently, in the world, there are more than 3,000 million users who connect daily to social networks, that is to say, 42% of the world population. If we talk about 25.5 million Internet users visit social media daily. So half of the citizens use these instruments to inform themselves, maintain contact with their acquaintances or relatives, among other uses.
According to the 2018 Annual Study of Social Networks, if we enter the social profile of the users who consume Social Networks, we know that the number of men (51%) and women (49%) is similar. The largest bulk of the population in Spain is between the ages of 31 to 45 years and represents 39%, the average age being 38.4 years. The study also indicates that almost half of the consumers of social media have higher education, and 74% are actively working.
Our way of consuming Social Media has also changed. The mobile phone wins by a thrashing when asking by what means they connect to their social profiles, 95%, compared to 91% reached by the computer and 48% of the tablets. Whatsapp, Instagram, and Twitter are the most consumed via smartphone, while Facebook and YouTube win the battle on the monitor screen.
The average time taken to the RRSS per day is 58 min per day, with the youngest raising the average reaching one hour and 10 min. As the most used social networks, Facebook and Twitter continue to be the most used and the ones with the most interactions, but better that they do not give up because Instagram has been going strong, being the social network that has grown the most, especially among those under 23 years of age. .
If we talk about brands, the study reveals that 81% of users follow them on some social network, and for 27%, it generates confidence that a brand has a profile on Social Networks. If we ask professionals, most of them use social media to sell more and get branding. Facebook and Instagram are the Networks that present the highest advertising investment data.
Who Does Not Use Social Networks?
If we look at the users who do not want to see the social networks or in painting or who at least affirm and who do not plan to register on any social network during the next year, we see that the trend changes, more than half of the users of the strip of age between 45 to 65 do not use the RRSS, increasing the mean age to 44.6 years. More men (60%) than women (40%) do not use the networks.
Types Of Social Networks
Within the great web of Social Networks that exist, we can classify them into two depending on their point of view and objective:
- Horizontal or general social networks: they are the common ones, and they have users of all kinds, with diverse interests and who deal with general topics without any particular purpose, such as Facebook, Twitter, or Linkedin.
- Vertical social networks: on the other hand, these types of networks have a specific and common objective for all users, and it is the example of LinkedIn that has a professional nature.
The trends in Social Networks are very marked depending on the age range, generation, or type of user. Discover which group you are in among the 4 most notorious Social Networks:
What Are The Most Used Social Networks?
According to a survey, Instagram users are 15% higher than Facebook in use, and forecasts continue to rise. Without a doubt, the video has prevailed in the use of social networks and platforms such as Twitter and LinkedIn have gradually moved to the lowest positions on the list. Let’s review this TOP 5:
#1 Instagram
For the first time, Instagram surpasses the queen of social networks: Facebook. Undoubtedly, of all the social networks, Instagram has been able to make its way among the youngest, who consider it the most important and relevant social network.
Like YouTube, it is among the youngest generations (between 16 and 23 years old), and for the second consecutive time, it is one of the networks that attract the newest users.
The platform has managed to integrate photography and video options in a simple and attractive way for the user. Even the option of fleeting stories has made users buy daily content from all followers, almost more than half of users use or follow them daily.
Brands have already caught on to this trend and are using it to sell their products or services integrated with their acquaintances’ posts. According to the Metricool survey, about 21.1% of those surveyed have bought through Instagram Shopping, and according to experts, it will be a growing trend in the coming years.
# 2 Facebook
We start with the most famous social network in the world, and for years it has reached the top of being the most used. This social network is very attractive because it is easy to use, interact with other users, and allows various types of formats such as video, image, or text. Although in recent years, it has been quite affected due to the data protection scandal.
Who uses it? Here we find the most curious fact; it is a network for the whole family, from the youngest to the oldest. This Social Network is one of the few where you can find publications from your colleagues or friends and your aunts or parents. And Facebook is the favorite social network for Millennials and Generation X, that’s why we can find all kinds of posts on their walls. If we observe the trend in Generation Z, the percentage of users who consume Facebook falls in favor of other networks such as Instagram.
#3 Youtube
The YouTube video platform is the third most used social network, and it is mainly due to its great ability to interact with other networks and the boom of influencer or YouTubers. It is also one of the fastest-growing in the number of users and is one of the best rated along with Instagram and Spotify.
Younger users are taken to the streets, who consume the most audiovisual content. 43% of users from 16 to 23 years follow the least one influencers through YouTube.
# 4 Twitter
This year Twitter opens with worse data than last year, being the Network with the highest dropout rate. Although it remains one of the networks with the most mentions, its notoriety rate has fallen compared to the last two years.
Although the platform has tried to reinvent itself in the last year by increasing the character limit to 280, it cannot stop the decline. Even so, it continues to be a remarkable scene of interaction and exchange of opinions on current issues and trends.
# 5 LinkedIn
And finally, LinkedIn, unlike the latest networks, LinkedIn does not have as much notoriety among the youngest, but it is not one of its priorities either. The social network LinkedIn is looking for a more professional profile.
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