The Formats That Will Make A Difference On Social Networks

When we approach a strategy in social network or we want to improve the existing one, we must take into account the content and formats that work best in each social network. Keeping it in mind is crucial because it will help us gain presence, visibility and reputation for our account.
We cannot content ourselves with posting for posting and hope that our content will magically gain good reach and interactions. There are several factors that we must take into account to achieve it;
The most basic ones are to know our community well, offer valuable content and keep up to date with the changes that take place on the different platforms that we use.
If you have read about algorithms on social networks , you will know that each social platform has its own rules for displaying content. The more we know about this operation, the easier it will be to hit the key of what can help us achieve good results and what not.
It is indisputable that each social network has its star format . In other words, a format that the algorithm gives priority to others and that, therefore, it is interesting to monitor in our accounts.
The objectives that a company may have when being in social networks can differ considerably: brand image, manage reputation, customer service, create community. Whatever they are, the search for the improvement of metrics is a common denominator factor of all brands.
How Do We Improve Metrics On Social Networks ?
Facebook Live
Facebook Live, live broadcasts from Facebook , is an excellent way to make yourself known and increase interaction with our followers. And not only that, it is a format that the social network of Mark Zuckerberg is giving it predominance favoring its organic reach.
The platform sends three notifications: when you start the broadcast, while you are broadcasting about the people who are interacting and when it ends to announce that a live video was made.
Contrary to what you might think, it is not necessary to have a large amount of technical resources within our reach to do a live broadcast. You can consider the following five points to ensure that your Facebook Live has the expected result:
Your followers want to see exactly what you promise to tell them. Use a title and a description that leave no doubt about the content you are going to broadcast. We will miss the first opportunity to gain the attention of our audience if we use confusing titles.
The direct ones on Facebook have no time limit and we should not impose it ourselves. Let’s not be afraid that they are too long, even if we always try to make sure they have a good rhythm and that the quality of the content does not go down as the clock goes on.
These broadcasts allow us to connect with our audience and even get to know it more deeply. We will hardly get the expected results if we dedicate ourselves to selling. We can take the opportunity to answer questions from our followers or tell things that may be of interest to our community.
You don’t need a professional camera or microphone, either, but we do need to make sure that there is a certain image and sound quality . A live performance without technical quality, with an image far from being sharp and with audio with a lot of noise, does not contribute positively to its viewing.
And finally, a good internet connection . When a streaming is not broadcast smoothly, when image and voice are not synchronized, when the user waits too long for the loading time…The easiest thing is to abandon the broadcast.
Experimentation is still important on Facebook . Constantly experimenting with what works and what can’t help us find the perfect formula. It is vital to try different content, themes and formats to check the results they give us
Instagram Stories
Last 2019 served to realize the great potential that Instagram has , which is undoubtedly the social network with the most engagement and the most margin for growth. According to official data from this platform, 80% of profiles follow corporate accounts and more than 300 million accounts use Instagram Stories daily.
Snapchat, Facebook Stories, WhatsApp Stories Ephemeral content is an indisputable trend. But why should you use Instagram Stories? Why should you create fleeting content ?
Humanize . The stories allow to humanize your brand, allow your followers to discover a little more who is behind the logo. Advertising saturation and over information tend to work against companies, so showing a more personal side can help us gain more confidence in our audience.
Entertain . It is an opportunity to impress, entertain and increase the reach of your publications because it is a format that easily captures the user’s attention and, in addition, they are the perfect hook for your gallery.
They link In organic publications it is not possible to add a link. On the other hand, in the stories yes. Of course, the account must have at least 10,000 followers. Generating web traffic from a powerful social network like Instagram is a great advantage Segment .
You can choose the profiles that will be able to see your story. This allows you to send exclusive content to the people you are interested in, adapting the message to your free convenience.
They position . The algorithm of Instagram also takes into account your activity in the stories and the interactions they generate. Create surveys, questions, stories that seek engagement , because you will improve the organic reach of your publications.
Instagram stories are also a double-edged sword because they are standardizing a certain behavior in users that is being extrapolated to more social networks: users are increasingly more viewers, that is, they consume content but do not interact.
Twitter Threads
This year is decisive for Twitter: its low growth and its listing on the stock market may jeopardize the future of this social network. However, during this last time we have been able to see his effort to reverse this situation by adopting certain changes, such as the increase in characters per tweet, now 280.
Contrary to other social networks, it is more text, although images and videos also help improve the scope of the content. That is why Twitter is a great option for companies that want to improve their customer service or for the media, and of course for those companies that have spent years on this social network and it works well for them.
In this sense, it is not surprising the good reception that the Twitter threads have had , a series of chained tweets where the author responds to himself by addressing a topic, a story, a news. It is a resource that gives us the opportunity to combat the brevity of Twitter, provide data that arouse interest, generate expectations, attract users to our account and fuel our activity on this platform.
Personal Profiles And Groups On LinkedIn
The professional social network par excellence is the one that is changing the most. Every time it is incorporating more functionalities and integrating everything that is shining on other platforms. He is even said to be conducting tests to incorporate the stories.
While LinkedIn grows and consolidates itself as a more than interesting communication channel for companies and professionals, its algorithm allows us to glimpse those formats and content that obtain better metrics.
As in the rest of the platforms, video is a format that has acquired great predominance , especially when it revolves around topics directly related to a sector, current events, recommendations or tips.
The constant and unstoppable evolution of LinkedIn does not allow us to predict what effects its changes will have on the operation of the network, what we can assure is that we cannot focus on sharing information that is too corporate or self-promotional.
What works best are resources, links of interest, studies, webinars, surveys or current news. Always trying to ensure that they are of quality and interest to our audience, in addition to including striking copies .
Ads allow us to grow on this social network with greater speed. However, to support and relaunch organic growth, it is convenient not to forget two issues:
Personal profiles on LinkedIn work especially well: it’s easy to create connections, and therefore grow your audience, more than on a company page.
For this reason, it is important that company workers, especially management positions, are active in this network so that they are the image of the brand and a valuable support for the corporate page.
The professional groups are also a great complement to reinforce the organic scope, promoting debates and manage opportunities for professionals who have common interests.
Participating in those where we can find our target or take on the challenge of creating them can be good practice.
Pinterest Boards
Companies that can produce engaging content, such as product images, workplace photos, infographics, or customer testimonials, can’t afford not to be on Pinterest. It has many advantages: more online presence, more traffic to the web, more brand awareness, more virality.
Pinterest boards allow you to organize the content – the pins – according to themes so that users can find just what they are looking for. These boards can be shared, followed and we can even interact with them. Do you know how you can optimize them?
The title must be attractive and the description must be related to our company so that we can appear in searches and thus favor follow-ups.
Also, use keywords and hashtags in titles and descriptions to improve SEO Choose a good cover image that perfectly projects your corporate image.
Set up thematic boards that are related to your sector and locate the ones with the most pins at the top.
Do not forget to link the pins of your board to your website, your blog or the other social networks with which they are related.
Finally, we can highlight YouTube, which reigns together with Facebook in the list of social platforms with more activity and more users. Small business have a great challenge in obtaining a large organic reach, although progress is not impossible.
We must take into account two budgets to start: that of producing a quality video and that of promoting it for viewing.
Nor can we forget WhatsApp Business, which is a good tool to improve customer service for companies that directly sell, ship or offer any service.
Social networks can catapult your business. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest. No matter the social network you want to grow in, the important thing is to know the professionals who can help you achieve it. The seemingly impossible challenges are truly worth tackling to see that they can be successfully overcome!
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