Size Matters At Least When It Comes To Advertising On Google

Preparing and optimizing ads on Google Display can be troublesome – and unfortunately, these troubles almost always mean additional costs. We often operate in this field according to the principle of trial and error, and as long as there is nothing wrong with it, everyone would like marketing to bring immediate results.
So if you dream of advertising banners on the Internet, it is better to know immediately what sizes to bet on. You may start to wonder: does it even matter? It turns out that the most! Different ad dimensions will perform better or worse with specific products. If you don’t believe it, read on and find out how to prepare banners well on Google Display!
Let’s talk about sizes
It would be nice if our work ended with making the graphics. Meanwhile, getting it ready for publication is also a series of decisions we have to make. In Google Display, websites have control over what is displayed and in what configuration, so if we set an unfavorable size, our ads will not bring the expected effect because their reach will be too small.
The graphic below shows a comparison of different dimensions and the number of clicks on them:
The conclusion is simple: 300 × 250 px ads have more click-throughs every day. Does that mean this size should be used?
It is worth remembering that banners displayed on websites have been losing their effectiveness for many years. In addition, users have at their disposal Adblocks or use search engines that block this type of advertising, and they are best at filtering banners of typical sizes: 300 × 250 px and 728 × 90 px.
That is why the best solution is to prepare different graphic versions. Some sites will prefer smaller ones, others – larger ones. If we upload only one version in the most popular size, it will be blocked or rejected by websites. If we focus on several dimensions, we have a better chance that the user will see any of them.
There is, however, a light at the end of the tunnel! Banners on mobile devices are governed by different laws than those on a computer. First of all, more of them are displayed, are not blocked, and reach a wider audience. Therefore, when designing a campaign, we should remember mobile devices and create them for them. Ultimately, the recipe for success is comprehensive preparation.
The obligatory sizes that we should include are:
- 300 × 250 – “medium rectangle”,
- 336 × 280 – “large rectangle”,
- 728 × 90 – “table of results,”
- 300 × 600 – “half a page”,
- 320 × 100 – “large banner for mobile devices.”
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