5 Ways To Protect Your Business Data

One of the concerns that you may have in your company is the protection of your data. How to protect your business data? You fear that if you get a virus, you will lose your database of products, customers, etc., which would generate real chaos in your business.
This occurs many times when companies have their data located in locally installed software, generally connected to your POS. If your computer system is not secure enough, the risk to your data is very high.
Given this, you have several options. We are going to ask you how you can do to protect your business data.
Ways To Protect Your Business Data
There are several ways to protect your business data. Let’s see the different methods you can use.
Go To The Cloud
One of the most popular solutions today is moving to the cloud. If you go to the cloud, all your data will be stored on the software provider’s servers. Therefore, you no longer have to take care of security at such a demanding level, since you do not have to have your own server.
This way, you save a lot of costs. But it is also true that you are in the hands of the provider with whom you have contracted and that to go from there to another provider you would have to do a migration, which can be complicated and expensive.
Protect Your Servers
The servers you have in your company need maintenance. If you have everything installed locally (your POS, your management software …), your servers need to be properly maintained, and measures are taken to protect the security of your data.
In this way, you will be able to prevent viruses from entering your systems, or computer attacks that may generate problems for you. To prevent any of these from happening, you can get a hand on IT Asset Lifecycle Management Services with XSi, and keep your assets safe.
Make Backup Copies
This goes for granted, whether you work with a cloud provider, or have your management software installed locally.
If you have automatic backups, you wouldn’t have to worry about losing data. You can always restore the information to the last day or even a few hours before so as not to lose any information.
Not all management programs provide you with automatic backups. The data and databases of your business can also be protected with an online backup system in the cloud.
Take Preventive Security Measures.
Unnecessary risks are often taken in business. For example, the same computer on which you have your management software installed and which is connected to your POS is also connected to the Internet and is the one you also use to print documents on the copier when a customer brings you a pen drive (very common in stationery and copy shops).
The result of this is that your main computer is taking enormous risks. You do not know what can be inside a pen-drive of someone you do not know, or even someone you know. Ideally, have everything separate.
Have Antivirus And Firewall
Absolute computer security does not exist, and if someone promises you, it is most likely that they are deceiving you. But that does not mean that with a good antivirus and a firewall, you can protect your computer systems from possible attacks and viruses.
Having adequate protection will help your company to be protected against the possible risk of data loss.
This is vital especially in small businesses, SMEs and companies that have 2, 3 or 4 computers at most. If you have a server installed and you don’t use cloud programs, make sure that the data is protected, and the security tools are adequate.
Protect The security Of Your Company Data
We can help you with the computer maintenance of your company. We are a computer maintenance company in Madrid, and we provide you with the best conditions so that your data is protected and your equipment is safe.
We never know when a computer attack may occur, or you may have ransomware, and your computer is hijacked by a cyber criminal. In the face of all these types of problematic situations, before dealing with the cyber criminal, you should always contact a computer company to help you protect your data.
Contact us for more information and discover how your company can protect your business information in a professional way and to be calm.
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