How To Write a Commercial Offer, That is A Good First Impression

How To Write a Commercial Offer, That is A Good First Impression

Commercial Offer: Do you agree that what matters most is first impressions? When running a business, we constantly face the challenge of making a good impression: at every meeting with a potential client. Sometimes good self-advertising is more important than statistics and facts …

If you are wondering if you are communicating well with your customers, you’ve come to the right place. Below you will find tips on how to write an exemplary commercial offer and thus efficiently convince people to cooperate with your brand.

For starters, focus on the client, not yourself.

A commercial offer is a text document that we personalize for a specific entity. Using only one file will not pass the test: to convince the client, we have to speak to him personally and respond to his specific needs and problems.

A headline that is meant to attract attention and stay for longer is critical. Be short and concise, use the language of benefits: “buy my product to increase sales.” Avoid threats and raise concerns, such as “if you don’t buy my product, you will regret it.”

Your intuition tells you that you should put a part about yourself after the header. In this case, intuition is wrong – we have to turn to the client’s needs again. You have to show how we can solve his problems: “my products will make you achieve your goals.” Prove that you have a plan for cooperation and how, step by step, your offer will change the face of the client’s company. Remember that, first of all, the recipient has to believe it, so appealing to his emotions will not hurt. Think about your needs, and then write down how you can answer them, preferably in bullet points.

Now go to the offer.

Once the customer is engaged, you can show them specific products and services. Doubts and hesitation often arise at this stage – how to answer them? You have to show you know what you are doing. The certainty of the purchase convinces the recipients like nothing else.

The most important thing is to present the benefits of working with you, but words alone are not enough, so be sure to include evidence in the form of statistics, charts, or anything else with your trading offer that will allow you to gain credibility. These can be photos of completed orders or certificates that confirm your competencies. Case studies and the opinions of other companies’ clients work very well.

It would be best if you ended your commercial offer with a call to action: “use now,” “contact us.” It can also be more extensive – but do not leave the recipient any room for doubts and guesses!

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