Nine Low-Cost Guerrilla Marketing Ideas To Grow

Nine Low-Cost Guerrilla Marketing Ideas To Grow

Sales revenue and marketing are best friends. If marketing goes right then a seller can be sure that he has reached his potential customers and convinced them to purchase from the store. Nine Low-Cost Guerrilla Marketing Ideas To Grow for an online store is very important. With the ever-growing increasing numbers of online retailers, the only way to stay ahead of them is to outsmart them in terms of marketing. 

Ecommerce stores, turn to Google Ads or Facebook Ads to reach new customers and remind the old ones that they still exist. This is a great idea if the business has enough resources to allocate for marketing and digital advertisement.

What about the eCommerce stores who do not have resources in abundance, yet they want to step up their marketing game? Or want to take a new and unique approach to market your goods?

The answer to this is ‘Guerilla Marketing’!

This form of marketing is done to generate offline traffic in specific areas. If your Guerilla marketing goes successfully, then it will increase your brand awareness and will help you to reach your potential customers.

Guerilla marketing for eCommerce is a great option for small eCommerce stores. It requires conveying your message innovatively to your targeted market at a fraction of the cost that is charged by the traditional marketing strategies.

Below we have developed a list of 9 low-cost Guerilla marketing ideas to help your eCommerce store grow. Keep reading to find out more about it.

But, wait…

Before, trying your hands on any of the below tips, it is necessary to understand the prerequisites before applying guerilla marketing strategies.

Requirements Of Guerilla Marketing

Selecting The Right Location 

Selecting The Right Location 

Location tops the list when it comes to the requirements of guerilla marketing. Before finalizing a location for your marketing campaign thoroughly investigate the people residing there, the flow of traffic, any important building, school, or hospital nearby, etc.

Study every aspect of the location from the marketing point of view and then finalize a location.

Innovation And Creativity 

How many billboards do you view when you’re on a road? Do you read each one of them? Of course not.

The factor of creativity decides whether guerilla marketing will be a hit or a miss. If you want to make sure that the passersby stop and come to you, then make sure to do something that makes him stop. 

Think out of the box and get creative.

Understanding The Legal Requirements

Never overlook this requirement. It is important to take into consideration all the rules and regulations of that place. Failure to do so might result in an inconvenience for your customers and it can tarnish your reputation. 

For instance, setting up your marketing campaign near a hospital or a school will make it difficult for the people to carry on with their work.

Connect Offline And Online Strategy

Guerilla marketing is an offline marketing strategy. If connected with online strategies, it can bring the desired results more quickly.

After studying all the above elements, let us now begin with the ideas to help you to implement guerilla marketing strategies to grow your eCommerce store.

Low-Cost Guerrilla Marketing Ideas To Grow Your Ecommerce Store

Set-Up A Pop-Up Shop

Setting up a physical shop for a temporary period is easy and requires less time to wind it up. Having a physical shop allows the customer to understand who you are and what you do?  

Setting up a temporary shop also allows them to try your products and clear their doubts and concerns.

Now, we understand that getting a shop, setting it up, and paying other expenses can put a strain on the business account of the eCommerce store.

Setting up a Pop-Up shop doesn’t have to be an actual shop. You can set up a table at a fair, put up a stall on the street corner, display your products in another store, etc. It’s all about physically bringing your brand in front of the customers.

For instance, if you have an online store where you sell scented candles then by having a pop-up shop your potential customers will get a chance to look, touch, smell, and even ask their queries related to it.

Offer Something For FREE

Who doesn’t love free gifts and samples The answer is ‘No one.

People love it when they get something for which they don’t have to pay. Take into account your inventory stock and select a few less expensive items. For instance, if you have an online store that sells makeup products, then you can give lip balms or lipsticks, etc. for free.

You can distribute these gift items in a fair, or in an event. You can also add your items in a goodie bag sponsored by some other brand. Don’t forget to add the details of your online stores and your social media handles. It makes it easier for the potential buyers to connect with you.

Another way to use this strategy is to distribute the stickers of your brand logo to your existing and new customers. Mobile and laptop stickers are considered very trendy and people love to have the stickers of their favorite brand on their laptops. You can also send fridge magnets, calendars, tea coasters, etc. to implement the same.

Attractive Packaging

This idea is great for all the stores who sell physical goods. Pay extra attention to your packaging.

This is a digital era and almost every other person you know has an active profile on Facebook and Instagram. When people receive their orders they love it when packaging is interesting and appealing. 

Instead of using the same boring method of packing your goods, you should think of something unique and creative social media marketing strategy to excite your customer. A good sturdy box nicely wrapped with ribbons, and the name of the customer printed on that box is something that every customer would love to share on his social media.

The perfect example of this case would be of Starbucks. When they serve coffees to their customers, they write their names on the cups. The customers love to take a photo of that cup and upload it on their feed.

Think of the ways you can personalize the items ordered by the customer. It can even be a simple printed note to make the customer happy.

Go Live

The customers place their trust more quickly in the brands that open up to them. Show your customers that you are more than just an online store. The audience loves to see what goes behind the online stores.

Let your audience know how you work and what activities take place to run the store. Show them snippets of your work by going live. A perfect example of this would be to show your customers how goods are packed and sanitized before sending it to the courier companies.

Another way to do so is to go live on your facebook or Instagram and show your customer your goods. Let them have a look at your newly launched products on a live feed before you upload the pictures on the store.

Host A Webinar

Big brands often host events and invite their customers and local audience to join and have fun. It can really make a big difference to the audience as they’ll always associate the name of the brand with the event that they had sponsored.

But since we are talking about low-cost Guerilla marketing ideas, hosting a webinar would be an excellent thing to do.

Invite your audience and customers to join your webinar to learn something new. Try to arrange a webinar where customers would be interested to join. For instance, if an online store of cutlery invites its customers to join a webinar for a free cooking course. Or an online essential oil seller can host a webinar and teach its audience about the correct use of the oils for aromatherapy, etc.

Support A Cause 

Customers love to shop from the brand which is more than just a business. To increase your brand awareness and make the targeted audience know about you, join and support a cause.

Support a charitable organization or do something which is not for the sake of commercial benefits but, for the society or the environment. For instance, you can send food, gifts, and clothes to an orphanage and invite your followers on social media to join you for a noble cause.

This has proven to be a very successful Guerrilla marketing strategy for growing an online store.

Host A Contest 

Customers love to participate and win gifts. Host a contest and invite your customers to participate. You can ask a few questions and the ones who answer the most of them correctly get one your best selling products, etc.

You can also host a lucky draw contest. People would love to try their luck and you will get a lot of attention by giving out just a few products which will be your marketing expenditure and will soon be recovered.

Launch ‘Go Green’ Campaign

Invite your followers to join you on a tree planting campaign. Schedule a day, date, time, and venue for them to come.Plant trees, take pictures, and put a sign of your online stores nearby. You can also give out the printed t-shirts bearing the logo of your brand to the volunteers.The people who will join this campaign will keep their friends and followers posted about it on their social media. Your brand name will go far and wide with these types of campaigns.

Collaborate With Influencers

Collaborate With Influencers

Influencer marketing is an excellent way to reach and inform more people about your brand. Collaborate with influencers who align with your niche. Send them your products to review, offer a discount code for their followers. You can also ask them to show their followers how your product can be used and what is your unique selling point, etc.


Guerilla marketing doesn’t guarantee a 110% success rate, yet with the right idea and a creative execution of that makes it possible for the business to get their desired results.

The best thing about this marketing strategy is that one doesn’t need to have loads of money to implement guerilla marketing strategies.If you are an aspiring online seller, then applying above-mentioned Guerilla marketing ideas will help you to grow your ecommerce store, provided you do it creatively and uniquely.

Also Read: Top Quotes By Marketing Experts And Marketing Gurus

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