The Corona Virus Will Also Affect The Development Of Google Chrome

The corona virus is ongoing, We are on our way to completing two weeks of absolute confinement, which has caused many companies to send their employees to work at home, which could lead to delays in their production, or on time.
Project delivery estimates. And as you can imagine, Google is no exception, and practically the same thing happens to it.
So as HBO has already announced with the dubbing (that while the virus lasts, it will not be able to do it in its series and movies), Google has stopped the planned schedule of updates to chrome and has made a decision that could seem drastic to us.
Still, it has its logical point in a market as changing as the one we live in.
There Will Be No Browser Version 82
The decision made by Mountain View is very simple. In essence, they are going to go from version 81 to 83 directly, leaving aside 82 in such a way that they will be able to keep the expected deadlines in the coming months and waiting for the new Working hours and limitations that have been imposed by the company to help contain the spread of the coronavirus.
Information About Google Chrome.
Anyway, right now the most recent release that we have on our devices is 80.0.3987.149, and it remains to be seen that the beta that has already been published from 81 ends up becoming stable, given that the movement restrictions in the US, and more specifically in California, have been in effect for days.
Hence, reports indicate that Google will leave this version as it is and will automatically go to 83, which, when this virus passes, will be the one they are working on to publish an official version.
Does that mean that all the updates that were planned for version 82 will be put aside? No, the same sources point out that the novelties that version 81 should bring will be in turn and could be merged with those planned in the now disappeared 82 to give birth to a more critical version, and with many changes, that will be 83.
Of course, we do not know if the Mountain View will reconsider this decision or want to leave that gap there in the numbering to remember what happened in these first months of the year.
What is no doubt is that no matter how small the detail, there are always areas in which a virus such as that of the corona virus effects and that just a few weeks ago, we did not imagine that this could happen.
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