Big Data To Optimize Telecare

Telecare has become one of the main resources to increase dependent groups’ quality and quantity of life. In telecare, analyzing information using Big Data techniques helps to reveal situations that were not previously perceived, such as people at risk of dependency due to falls, common behaviors among patients, or once knowing the need for a service or when it will be demanded.
Advances in telecare services
The telecare service is aligned with other advances, such as new health procedures, food, and the use of technology, together with the social awareness of adopting healthy lifestyle habits to make our life expectancy longer and of higher quality and in good health. Thanks to these advances in society, the population’s life expectancy increases from year to year.
One of the great challenges that telecare faces is its sustainability. The public powers push them to adjust costs while providing the social and health care that society demands. This necessarily happens by optimizing your service. In this challenge, Big Data-based technologies have proven their usefulness.
Telecare relies on Big Data technology to better specify the conditions in which help is necessary and what that help consists of. In this way, it is possible to improve its provision, which is enormously vital for administrations and social services.
Big Data technology uses algorithms that allow the analysis of data from various sources that until now had not been used together, to which are added those obtained from social networks, helping, for example, to determine critical situations such as unwanted loneliness.
Improvement of services and personalization of telecare
The application of Big Data to telecare allows social services to develop new actions aimed at improving socio-health services and thus anticipate the needs of dependent people.
In addition, they allow the detection of new needs, issuing alerts that help control the evolution of diseases in services patients such as telecare, which is one of the most demanded services according to the State Observatory of the Dependency.
The increase in personalization that the application of Big Data technology will bring to telecare will make it possible to ensure that the costs of care are directed toward the right people and in the right way. This supposes the optimization and improvement in the provision of services.
Therefore, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence are useful technologies in the healthcare sector. The application of predictive models based on the information provided by the data is a great advance, both for clinical management in treatment and patient care and for optimizing times and resources in healthcare with the possibility of alerting and predicting needs and recommending actions.
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